Permits and Forms
Anyone connecting a driveway, regardless if asphalt, concrete, rock, gravel, etc. and/or cutting the curb connecting to a roadway must obtain a permit before doing so. Please have your contractor provide all information requested on the permit application. Application will be reviewed by the Borough Engineer and once approved by Council, the permit to proceed will be issued.
Pave Cuts / Road Cuts
Any utility and/or contractor that must cut the road to perform underground work must obtain a permit application. Application will be reviewed by Avoca Borough Street Department and/or Borough Engineer. Once inspected, permit payment is due upon receipt.
Email applications to:
Any person(s) and/or businesses wishing to solicit door to door within the Borough must obtain a permit prior to doing so. Permit applications are reviewed by the Avoca Borough Police Department and can be rejected if found necessary. All permit fees are due before you start solicitation and you must abide by all guidelines and restrictions within the Solicitation Ordinance.
Fees are as follows: $30.00 per person, per day of Solicitation
View & Print Solicitation permit application
View Solicitation Ordinance
A sewer permit is required for any property owner needing or wishing to connect a sewer pipe to the main sewer lines.
Fee for permit/connecting to the main line – $475.00 (includes inspection fee)
Please make check payable to: Avoca Borough
Please contact Avoca Borough Sewer Inspector Bob Bejeski at 570-760-0588 to make arrangements for inspection.
Once connection fee is received and Mr. Bejeski is contacted, permit will be issued.
Handicap Parking Request
Anyone wishing to have a handicap parking sign installed by their residence must fill out a request form and provide all information and copies to keep on file at the Borough office.
Handicap Sign Installation Fee – $25
Please make checks payable to: Avoca Borough
Council will approve or deny requests at the monthly Council meetings.
Please note, handicap parking signs are not specific to the requestee. Anyone with a valid handicap placard is allowed by law to park there.
Construction Permits
Effective July 14, 2022, Avoca Borough’s Uniform Construction Code & Building Inspector is BHW Construction Consultation Services, Inc. (Jason Humenanski)
Please contact the BHW office at 570-270-3900 to obtain any building permit, schedule inspections, etc.
High Grass / Property Management Compliant
To make a complaint about a property regarding safety, sanitation and/or is suspected of an ordinance violation, click HERE
All complaints will be investigated and followed up on by the Avoca Street Department and Avoca Police Department
Please note, property dispute issues are considered civil matters. If there is an issue between property owners and no one is in direct violation of a Borough Ordinance, you may contact the District Magistrate’s Office to file a civil complaint and/or gather further information.
View Grass Ordinance
View International Property Maintenance Code
View Property Maintenance Code & Ordinance
Building / Rental Unit Inspections
All rental units within Avoca Borough are subject to an inspection prior to any new tenant moving into a unit. Please call BHW Construction Consultation Services at 570-270-3900 to schedule an inspection. If an inspection is not performed, property owners are subject to penalties & fines. Inspection fees do apply & you may inquire about a fee schedule when contacting BHW.
Please note, landlord/tenant disputes are considered a civil matter. If you have an issue with your landlord or tenant, please contact the District Magistrate’s Office to file a formal complaint. If there is a concern about the rental unit itself, please contact Avoca Borough’s building inspector at 570-270-3900 for further discussion.
View rental inspection ordinance
Right to Know Requests
Email completed request form to:
Please note, requests are only applicable to public documents and will be reviewed by the Right-To-Know Officer and Borough Solicitor.
Road Patching Requests
To request road patching and/or to notify the street department about a hole in the roadway, please click HERE
Avoca Borough is part of the Luzerne County Zoning Ordinance. All zoning related questions and/or concerns should be directed to Luzerne County Planning & Zoning Office at 570-825-1560
More information can be found at:
Voter registration forms, candidate information and all related election information can be found at:
Police Reports
It is the Avoca Borough Police Department’s policy that all investigative reports are nonpublic records, and a subpoena must be received in order to comply with a request, except for a Police Crash Report for involved parties, pursuant to Title 75, Vehicle Code, Section 3751.
Police Crash Reports can be obtained by involved parties for a $15.00 fee made payable to: Avoca Borough Police Dept. Please note, crash reports may not be available immediately and it may take up to 15 days following the accident to acquire a crash report. Please call 570-457-4011 with any questions.
Dog Licenses
Dog, Hunting & Fishing Licenses can be obtained through the Luzerne County Treasurer’s Office or by clicking:
Avoca Borough is an equal opportunity employer. If interested in working for the Borough, please fill out an application and return to the Borough office to keep on file when there is an open position.
Avoca Borough Police Department
Open Positions – Part Time Police Officer
Print an application
Avoca Borough Department of Public Works
Open Positions – Full Time Public Works and Part-Time Seasonal
Print an application